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do someth!ng
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the loft

3d computer animation

I did this for stefan in 1999, while he was DJ at the sand bar

D3ft's upright Piano in 2001.

Some band.


bob marley stained glass jpeg

cd cover


A Painting Hanging in  the d3ft sound lab.

This is our neighbor.

M1ND 57UD10
The M1ND Sound Studio has been used by various underground recording artists and sound engineers including the Refillah, "silent" Lee Chalfant, Singer Songwriter, Dave Osborne, aldialnuisance, Jereme Rucker, mind of a lunitic, and Lethalmindinjection.

Robert Lee Chalfant


Technology and Instriments we've been using: Guitar, Celo, Piano, Hand Drums, Vietnamese mouth drum (like a Jews harp) , Tascam Omni, MicroBR (Boss Recorder), FruityLoops Studio, Soundforge AbletonLive. We sample a lot of movies and tv news, houseparties, and street musicians.

01 jereme rucker -adgenius

03 jereme rucker - Cantus In Memory of Benjamin B (Arvo Part remix)

04 jereme rucker - Agnus Dei2 (Arvo Prt remix)
04 jereme rucker - shining fever

05 jereme rucker - local pretest
06 jereme rucker - noreaction
07 - lethalmindinjection - busvstrain
07 jereme rucker - Agnus Dei3 (Arvo Prt remix)

01 TheRefillah (Christophe Luyck feat. jereme rucker Dubstep Mix) fasttryout000.mp3

Our website was taken down by corporate hackers in 2009. At the same time, a d3ft board member was robbed in Denver. We lost nearly all of fifteen years of very important creative work and accumulative databases which had been organized and transfered to a 1tb HDD from 12 workstations and one server, the previous summer . The d3ft learned in 2012 that the thieves were only after a back up of a small news website amoung the data. These mp3s are all that remain of our music prior to 2009.

(cc) m1 creative 1995-2012 - for uncompressed source files please send inquiries to d3 [at]

tube tester


Tracy in front of Jereme's painting

It'a a madana pap smeeer

The d3ft piano on a cloudy day.

Lee playing celo in the

                  computer animation

D3fth  Loft 1998

This guy doesnt like cameras

girl with cleft pallet

D3ft logo text

Jereme Lee Rucker